Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mi casa, es su casa

I am very excited to say that I am a first time home owner. It has been a crazy ride trying to get approved, since hubby and I are just starting out and big banks do not trust us to make payments for 30 friggin' years! I mean come on! you already have us hand cuffed to you for the next 30 years and you're still making us go back and forth with paperwork. There were many times when I just wanted to throw the towel! My dream home was turning into a house from hell! BUT! we finally got approved and got the keys to our house! Let me say that even though I had mentioned that this house is my dream home… it still needs some work to get there. The previous owners were an older couple. I mean the guy is 80 years old. I know what you're thinking… that's great! That means that they took care of their home and it's in perfect conditions. Well, yes, it's true to some extend. The inspection report came back with a 99.9% a-ok. You see, it's the cosmetic stuff. The house it's just not up to date. well, to my liking. The only beautiful updated thing in the house is the kitchen. They added granite counter tops and even did the splash back with granite. We have a mini bar and they also did that with granite. well, that probably saved us around 20 grand. But every thing else… yuck! No, really yuck! To start off… the master bath had carpet! Gross and super gross! The house was disgustingly dirty. It seemed like they had not cleaned spiderwebs since Halloween of 77'.

Anyway, enough about my complaining. We really wanted to change our flooring to this really nice ceramic tile that looks just like wood. Since our kids have four legs, well not all of them. I have one with two legs and 5 with no legs at all and some that rather just use fins. :)
(Husky Dog named Nala, Persian cat named Suzuki, African Grey parrot named Maggie, 5 green tree pythons with no name (my husband's Pets…trust me not mine at all), and different salt water fish with no name, except for Dori, and Nimo.)
We did not want our floors to get scratched up or in this case, get the carpet dirty. So we decided to hire someone to do our flooring, while we dealt with then hassle of moving! Great Idea right? NOT!

Three weeks have passed and we are still moving! We have completed moving everything from the apartment but we still have the job of unpacking! Oh yeah, we were also very smart to ask family members to help us with the move rather than to hire professional movers. That's why it has taken us three weeks just to move stuff from point A to point B. Mainly only weekends when people do not have to work and have time to use their holy weekend to move other people's furniture. :)

Though there is still a lot to do, I will have to admit that it's coming along just fine. The study room was the first room to get the new floors and got the aquarium set up. This room actually looks very nice. It stills needs some last finishing touches, like wall decor but other than that... checked off the to do list.

Well... the decor is going to be most difficult task to attend to. I have so many cool ideas and trust me, my addiction to pinterest is not helping on the process. The great thing about my decoring skills is that I like expensive and good quality stuff. The problem is that I have the budget of elementary teacher. (no, really... I do!)
So just like that very popular song blasting my car's speakers, I only have $20 in my pocket... and I am hitting the thrift stores and garage sales in search of that expensive taste item for a fraction of the retail price.

Since all of my enegery has gone toward the house, I have not had the chance to hit garage sales yet, but I know garage sale season is near! I never thought I would be excited for garage season, but grown up responsabilities are a bitch!
Bills, bills, and more bills, and less "extra" cash for pleasure purchase. Also, here is another this I have learned since I bouht my house. My guilty pleaser is no longer going to the mall and have a shoping spree on clothes for me. now, my guilty pleasure is buying house decoring items!

I am telling you... life makes sudden changes in you. You are never the same person. Everyday you become a better, or improved human being than the day before before. At least you hope to be. I know I have learned to be more responsible and to be less selfish. (less... I still could improve on that area)

Here are some "before pictures" of my new home
I will post the "on progress" pics next time and hopefully soon the "after" pictures.

This kitchen table was my first project. I reupholstered the chairs to some cheery colors and patterns.
everything else is the way the other folks had the house. Trust me... it looks nicer than that now. Though it's a working progress, it has come a long way from the way it looked in this pictures.


The Nasty carpet in master bath

The mini bar. oh yeah...!

Kitchen. The kitched had some scratched up laminated floors and we riped those suckers out. Underneath the floor, there was the stinkiest smell ever! Water had gotten underneath the floors and let me ne tell you... the smell made me gag! It was the worst smell ever! Laminate flooring on an area where there is water, it's a BAD idea!  We installed ceramic tile instead. :)
Don't forget to check back on my updates.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


A good Start to my weekend.
Good morning dolls! My saturday morning has begun early! I went to sleep at 1 am and was wide awake at 6 am this morning! I am not sure why… but maybe it's because lately my mind has been raising like a hamster in a turning wheel. I have so many things in my mind that I need to do! The problem is that I just don't know where to start and I end up doing nothing! Or the very minimum. I hate that!
I took two days off from work to get some of those things checked off my list and I was successful in changing my car's oil, giving my poor, dirty cat a bath, renewing (changing my address) my driver's license, Taking my sister to register for college, (Congrats sis for taking that huge step in your life!) went to the flee market to look for patio table, taking a pre-admission test to take another test, and advanced to 75% on the completing of my essay. Phew! I guess I did do a lot from my list but i still have way more to do!
I almost forgot. I also went to the doc for check up. I found out I have lost 15 lbs! The bad news is that for some reason i shrunk an inch! I could not believe it! I asked the nurse to measure me again and yup.. I am officially 5 feet tall. :)
My boo-boo. :( I almost fainted.

Suzuki in his cute sweater.
What can I say?.. he loves his sweaters. :)

My baby. It was love at first sight!

My hubby is the best guy I could possible ask for to take care of me for the rest of my life! Here is ONE of the reasons why…
The hubs and I.
After coming home from a long week at work, he saw how stressed I was about fining all of my to-do's, that he said he would take me out for dinner. So of course I agreed. (I secretly always try to find a way out of doing all of the stuff on my to-do list) So I had no clue where he was going to take me. On our way there he asked me if I wanted to watch a MMA fight and just have fun! (Legacy MMA championship was in town for the night at the Allen Even Center).
See… our seats were not that bad. We could still see the blood. :)
Since this was something sudden we decided to stand outside to check if anyone was selling their ticks for a cheaper price, but now luck so we just payed the retail value. (A big no for me! I believe that you should always be able to negotiate or look for the best price available.) But anyway… the seats and the price were just right.
I had a blast! Before this event I was not really impressed with brutallity these fighters give it their all to win a fight. Actually, Anton (my hubby) used to practice MMA at a local gym and one day he came home with broken nose. i was terrified! After watching a fight where Chuck Liddel BEAT the crap out of a guy while he the other fighter was on the floor helpless, I knew this was not the sport for me. I wanted to cry, by just watching this brutality. SO I never wanted to go see Anton fight. He would come with a different bruce everyday, but he would also come with a bigger and more divine muscle everyday. :) So I kept my mouth shut. :0 x
Even though I didn't know any of the fighters that competed last night, I got to see some real action. On one of the fights, ii got to see a knock out! It was the most exciting thing ever! I know, I know, I should not get pleasure from other's pain but they signed up for it. :)
For now on, I will defently call myself a fan of the sport called MMA. by the way… we need up eating some chicken tenders and fries at the event center. :) Not the most delicious food but we had fun while eating!
So Cute!
XOXO Fabiola

Saturday, March 16, 2013


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Challenge Day 4

A habbit that I have but I wished I never had...
Rolling my eyes!
I roll my eyes a lot! Not because I am disinterested or because I don't like or agree with something or someone. I just do. Like wight now! As I am typing I am roling my eyes at myself for typing about my habbit of rolling my eyes!
I wish I could stop rolling my eyes!

XOXO -Fabiola

Monday, February 11, 2013

30 day challenge. Day 3:

He a picture of us... just me and my best friend. ( this reminds me of Rob and Big Black)
Okay... I know everyone says that their husband is their best friend.
Some people may even roll their eyes and say it's cheesy to say that! But I believe I have truly married my BFF! HE is that plus more... He is my soul mate, my partner in crime and Everything in between.
Meet Mr.perfect!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

30 day challenge: day 2

I am sorry to have waited so many days in between day one and two.
Day two: meaning behind my blog name.
I decided to name my blog red lipstick and mascara because I have always loved how those two items by themselves can make anyone look beautiful, sophisticated , but yet simple. Okay, so you might be wondering So what? What does that have to do with your blog? Well, as you can see, my title description talks about fashion, love and everyday life. Red lipstick and mascara is about my journey in life and my struggle to live and make my journey in life as simple as possible. Just like those days when you wear red lipstick and mascara. Sure, not everyone looks good with red lipstick; including me. I believe that the point In Life is that you make it your own and after all... life is the way your perception of life is and nothing else.
Though I know that I red lipstick is not the most flattering on me, I still wear red lip stick from time to time!!!
XOXO Fabiola

Sunday, February 3, 2013

30 day challenge day one:

15 interesting fact about myself. Here goes nothing...
1. I am 27 years old
2. I have been married for almost three years to the most amazing man I have met.
3. I dated my husband for 6 years before we said "I DO!"
4. I was born in Mexico.
5. One day my husband and I will have "Russican babies" ( a mixture of Russian and Mexican) :) Who I would love for them to eventually become trilingual.
6. I am a bilingual 1st grade teacher.
7. English is my second language.
8. I didn't learn to drive until I was 18 years old.
9. I began working at age 15. :)
10. I Call mom and dad everyday. :)
11. I am the youngest of four siblings.
12. As a little girl I always dreamed of becoming a teacher.
13. I just recently became a 1st time home owner!
14. I love to watch reality tv.
15. I don't enjoy reading adult books. I rather read kid books. Pinkalicious... baby! Oh yeah!
Ok... So this was a little easier than I though. Now it's your turn!
- Fabiola

Ya mon!

Ok, I know it has been a while since last time I blogged. I have been busy with work, school, and the process of buying a home!
Among all the craziness I visited my doc. for a follow up and he mentioned that I had lost 14 lbs since last time I visited him! ( about a month) yay!
Honestly, I really do not care about the number but the way my body is looking! I have been Working my butt off at the gym 5-6 days per week. I been mountain biking longer rounds at least once per week.
If loosing 14 lbs wasn't enough of motivation to keep going... I was surprised with a really cool motivation ... Jamaica Mon!!
Mother-in-law mentioned that she would like to treat my husband and I to a trip this spring break. Of course, she is coming along too... But it's all good because I actually like my in-laws.
I had the fortune of visiting Jamaica two years ago for our honey moon. I loved it!! I can't wait to go again!
I have a month and a half to get bikini ready! Man! People in Jamaica are so fit and delicious that last time I was the I absolutely hated all pics of me.
I know its not good to compare yourself to others but as a girl... Its really hard. Not because we are always thinking about losing weight ( which we do a lot) but because we love to look at other girls head to toe. Sorry guys but if you girl is taking three hours everyday to get ready and look hot. Its not because she wants you to look at her, but because she wants to impress other girls. Disclaimer: It might sound like I am into girls but no! I love my man but I just know how to appreciate beauty when I see it.
I don't hate! :)
Back to topic: If we do get to go to Jamaica this spring break, I plan to loose 10 more lbs ( I an guessing that's how much it will take to make body look the way I want it to look).
Well... Enough of my mumbling. Do you have a special motivational factor ? Besides your health and your own personal feel weight goal. Wedding, prom, vacay? I love comments... Please comment!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

30 day challenge

I found this challenge on another's blogger's page and it seems pretty interesting and fun. So, I think I am going not give it shot. here's the break down::
Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 3 - A photograph of you and your best friend
Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 5- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 6 - Your celebrity crush
Day 7 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 8 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 9 - Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogs and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?
Don't forget to comment on my 30-day posts and give me your link to follow your post of the 30-day challenge. Have fun and enjoy!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Calling all super heros!

-There have been many times when I have said, "This time I will loose 10 lbs!" and everyone around me just smiles. You know… the type of smile that is just trying to be polite and not hurt your feeling. BUT… inside they are thinking.." yeah, right! I have heard this one before!" Okay, so I will have to admit that I am not the type of person who commits to something 100% for a long period of time. BUT, I think it's normal right? I am 100% motivated at the beginning, but slowly and as the days go by my motivation and commitment begins to decline. During this time I adventure out to other things and give that other adventure 100%. But surely, after getting bored with that I regain my passion and commitment for the previous thing. I am just a complete mess! I am all over the place! I start things and never finish them! My goal to loose weight and live a healthy live style is one of them. -I am that typical person who likes to make resolutions for the new year. (My logic: Maybe I can accomplish my goals during the beginning of the new year, what I couldn't accomplish during the middle and end of year. :) ) -Every year I set a goal to loose weight. Sure I do loose a few pounds the first months and then the declines of motivation happens…and I end up gaining all of my pounds back. This year I really wanted to reflect about the reason why my goals are not getting checked off my list. Year after year I have the same goals. I haven't checked them off and kept them off my list. I used to look at the New Year as a way to erase all of my errors. - I firm believer that when you fall… you get up and dust yourself off and continue on. The problem is that I used to tend to take a my time to get back up again. I would just lay there, waiting for my superhero to come and lift me back on my feet. In reality that superhero never came… -I have come to the conclusion that the only person who can help me get up and stay up; it's me. I am my own superhero! I look out for myself, I take care of myself, and I definitely need to rescue myself.
-I have read on many blogs and other sources of information that when your goal is to loose weight or live a healthy live style, you need to do it for you and not someone else. I completely agree! After all, you are the only superhero who is always aware of your actions and the only superhero who is there when you have a struggle. This year is the year of Super Heroes! My resolution this year is to be my own superhero all year long. I will commit to this goal 100% and never loose that drive. UP,UP AND AWAY! I challenge you to take a picture of yourself to demonstrate the amazing superhero you are. Please don't forget to share your pic. with us. :) XOXO Fabiola