Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ya mon!

Ok, I know it has been a while since last time I blogged. I have been busy with work, school, and the process of buying a home!
Among all the craziness I visited my doc. for a follow up and he mentioned that I had lost 14 lbs since last time I visited him! ( about a month) yay!
Honestly, I really do not care about the number but the way my body is looking! I have been Working my butt off at the gym 5-6 days per week. I been mountain biking longer rounds at least once per week.
If loosing 14 lbs wasn't enough of motivation to keep going... I was surprised with a really cool motivation ... Jamaica Mon!!
Mother-in-law mentioned that she would like to treat my husband and I to a trip this spring break. Of course, she is coming along too... But it's all good because I actually like my in-laws.
I had the fortune of visiting Jamaica two years ago for our honey moon. I loved it!! I can't wait to go again!
I have a month and a half to get bikini ready! Man! People in Jamaica are so fit and delicious that last time I was the I absolutely hated all pics of me.
I know its not good to compare yourself to others but as a girl... Its really hard. Not because we are always thinking about losing weight ( which we do a lot) but because we love to look at other girls head to toe. Sorry guys but if you girl is taking three hours everyday to get ready and look hot. Its not because she wants you to look at her, but because she wants to impress other girls. Disclaimer: It might sound like I am into girls but no! I love my man but I just know how to appreciate beauty when I see it.
I don't hate! :)
Back to topic: If we do get to go to Jamaica this spring break, I plan to loose 10 more lbs ( I an guessing that's how much it will take to make body look the way I want it to look).
Well... Enough of my mumbling. Do you have a special motivational factor ? Besides your health and your own personal feel weight goal. Wedding, prom, vacay? I love comments... Please comment!


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